Friday 23 December 2016

How I Dye My Hair Pink!

After months and months of effort, I finally had my hair the shade of blonde that I wanted. (Which was around a sort of beige blonde tone.) But of course, boredom sets in! and so me being me, decided that I was fed up with blonde hair, just for the time being, I'm sure I would eventually like to be blonde again. And so, Thus began my mission for pastel pink hair!

Now, having finally got my hair to were I wanted It to be, the last thing I wanted to do was use a permanent pink hair dye, and then be left devastated when I realise that I've ruined my hair colour.
So I began to do some research into semi permanent/ Wash in Wash out hair dyes.

Of course I watched and read many a review, before I came across this certain brand and product, which is all thanks to a youtuber called Katie Snooks.


Tuesday 20 December 2016

Jefree Star: First Impressions!

So, since what has felt like the beginning of time, I've had a terrible habit of watching beauty guru's on youtube and seeing what they have purchased or are recommending, and instantly going and buying the exact same product.


What the internet doesn't remind you off is the fact that everyone is totally unique and what one person may love another may hate, or what works for your skin type may be a total nightmare for someone else.

HOWEVER! That being said, I have always seen people using or promoting, The Jefree Star Liquid lipsticks and I have forever envied them and wished that I could try such a product.

Now baring in mind that I haven't been keeping well recently and am currently out of work, believe it or not £16.00 for one single item of makeup always seemed a tad steep to me. So, instead I always went for the cheaper option, I.E The makeup Revolution Velvet Laquer. coming in at like a 5th of the price at just £3.00 (which I have raved about!)

That being said, it's Christmas time and your supposed to be happy and enjoy yourself, so I FINALLY decided to take the plunge and purchase a Jefree Star Liquid lipstick from the online website Beauty Bay.

So, after a rather long back story to my purchase, this blog post is actually going to be my first impression of the product. So if that's something you'd be interested in, stay tuned....

 The Packaging!!


Wednesday 7 December 2016

Lippy Talk!

One of my favourite parts of applying my makeup in the mornings, is when I apply my favourite lipstick. I get to see the whole makeup look come together when I apply that beautiful nude lipstick. Or I get to feel my confidence soar, once I've applied my stunning bright red lippy.

So I give you the lippy edition! Where I share with you my absolute favourite lipsticks of the moment. From natural to in your face colours, you better brace yourself!

1.Maybelline Baby lips- Peach Kiss- £2.99