Friday, 12 June 2020

BeYou Period. What's my thoughts?

Okay, so first things first...

Before I start this review, I just want to make it perfectly clear that this is not a sponsored or gifted post.

All the products mentioned or discussed have been purchased with my own money, and all my opinions are from my own personal experience with this brand over the past year of testing various products.

To give a bit of a background story to my relationship with this brand. About a year ago, maybe longer. I was browsing the internet for any useful products that could help ease my horrific period cramps. (I have quite a few health issues that make my periods unbearably painful.) It was only then that I spotted a fellow blogger, who was discussing a brand called BeYou Period. That just so happened to be selling these seemingly weird patches, that claimed to help relieve bad cramps.

Of course, I ordered some to try out for myself... and the rest is history!

BeYou Period currently, have quite a wide selection of products available on their website. With their main goal being. to help aide those of us who suffer every month with periods.

From Menstrual cups, to anti chaffing cream, to CBD products, to bath bombs. They seemingly have an ever growing range of products available to try.

Of all these products, I have tested 3 Separate items.

The First Item is the BeYou Period Monthly Patches (which I've been using the longest.)

These patches, are solely designed to combat bad cramping or menstrual pain, without using heat.

For those of you who aren't aware, using heat to help relieve pain can have quite a few negatives, along with the positives. For example, and I speak from personal experience, It can cause quite bad damage to your skin.

And, in the interest of maintaining total honesty, I myself, have used hot water bottles to help relieve my pain so often, that I now have permanent burn marks, that have left the skin on my abdomen super red and delicate.

Now, obviously, I'm talking from the more dramatic side of relieving pain.

With that being said, I can really appreciate this particular brands conscious effort, to create a product that won't be harmful or damaging to the skin. While creating a totally new experience, relieving pain with coolness, instead of heat.

The cost for a pack of these patches is around 8 quid. And in each pack you receive five individual patches to use. (which you can also cut in half, to get more use out off.)

The patches look like giant plasters, that you can then stick to your abdomen, lower back, or even your legs (If you suffer with sciatica.)

Each patch contains the ingredients menthol (the cooling agent.) and eucalyptus oil. (The anti cramping agent.)

Meaning that not only are these patches a totally drug free, natural alternative. It also means that they're safe to wear to sleep.

Now, when it comes to my personal experience with these patches, I would say it's generally quite a positive one.

The way I use these, is actually by tracking my period using an app. Meaning, that when I get the alert that it's almost my time of the month,  I'll start wearing them. This simply helps by allowing more time to for the patches to try and battle my ridiculous cramps, before they hit their peak levels.

Now, be aware that when you first apply the patch, it can leave a rather intense, cool and tingly feeling on the area that you've just applied them. Which can be a bit weird at first, but throughout the wear time, that sensation definitely begins to settle down.

I've also found that the cooling sensation can be a really great help for anyone who suffers with horrible nausea and simply can't use heat.

Personally, I find these patches to be really great, at helping with my own pain.

So, at the risk of sounding super miserable (I promise I'm not, I'm just trying to give a thorough review.) When my period cramps get that intense, It usually results in a total panic, pain killer overloaded, possible trip to A&E. With the cramps even leaving me totally debilitated, for the full week, maybe even longer.

That was until I started wearing these patches...

Now, I'm not going to pretend that these patches have miraculously cured all off my pain, because I do still suffer quite a bit. However, in my experience, I've found that wearing these has really helped in stopping my pain from tipping over into that total unbearable category.

I even went as far as to skip using these patches for a month or two, to see if it made any difference,  and I was left totally shocked to find that my pain levels ended up getting so bad, that I was left totally debilitated for a full week, not only during my period, but for the full week after too.

Compare that to the following month, when I used these patches again, and had made a full recovery from my period pain, two or three days later. (which is a huge deal for me!)

And look, I know that products like this will not work the same way for everyone because at the end of the day, our bodies are all different.

However, if you're seriously suffering, and can afford the extra eight quid one month, I would really suggest ordering yourself a packet off these.

I mean, I even know people who have been using these patches to relieve the pain of IBD and IBS.

And while I'm on the subject of ordering these online, I've found that when I order these off the official BeYou Website. The delivery is always super quick and efficient.

So yeah, that's my thoughts on the monthly patches.

The next product I decided to test out was the CBD muscle balm.

Now, the reason behind this product purchase was that I actually suffer with wide spread, muscle pain. (Again, I'm not being a moan, you just gotta know that to understand how I'm reviewing this product.)

This particular CBD balm, is on the slightly more pricey side, costing around thirty quid, for a 50ml tub.

The Balm contains 300mg of CBD, along with lavender oil, and the essential eucalyptus oil, that is also used in the afore mentioned patches. (to help relieve cramping pain.)

Now, I know alot of people worry about using CBD, at the risk of the possible "high"

However, with products like this in the UK, CBD products typically contain no- to very minimal THC, which means that you will experience no psychoactive effects what so ever.

So, if that was something that was playing on your mind, I hope I've helped address that issue.

To add a bit more context on my use of this product. I've been using it for around two months now, mostly on a daily basis. (They recommend that you use the product daily for a few weeks in order to see some results.)

Once again, I've felt that my experience with this balm, has generally been quite positive.

The way you use this particular product, is pretty simple. You scoop a small amount from the tub, and gently massage it into the required painful areas.

(I hope you can see the texture from this picture... which is difficult because I totally used up the whole pot.)

The balm itself will initially have a thick, almost hardened texture, which immediately dissipates upon application to the skin.

The product melts into an oil, that is super easy to massage, and doesn't leave a sticky, or greasy residue.

When it comes to managing pain with this product, I was pretty much using it everywhere. However, for me personally, the biggest improvement I noticed was actually with the pain in my leg.

What I would do, was go for a nice warm shower, and then apply the balm to my sore knee, thigh and sole of my foot. And although it did take a while for me to be aware of a difference, I definitely felt that the pain in my leg was a lot more of a duller ache, rather than a sharp pain.

I will however admit, that when I initially purchased this product, it was because a lot of reviews that I had seen online, mentioned how it helped with their abdominal and lower back pain.

However, even the fact that this product at least made a difference to my leg pain, is  brilliant

I personally experienced no negative side effects while using this product.

If anything, I found that on a few occasions, I would apply the balm, and end up having a really great nights sleep, which was fantastic, and well needed.

And look, I know that thirty pounds is a lot of money, so I won't give you the big hard sale on this product. Simply because I know that BeYou also have other more affordable alternatives available.

Which brings me onto my next item...

The third and Final product that I've been using has been the Oral CBD Drops.

These drops come in two different strengths, 300mg or 600mg, with each bottle containing 30ml of product.

I purchased the 300mg tincture, for around eighteen quid. (Which is actually a really great price point, considering I paid twenty-five pounds with a different brand previously)

The tinctures also come in three different flavours, for those of you who don't particularly enjoy the natural taste of CBD. 

Now onto the matter of how you actually take this product...

You simply squeeze a full pipette of the CBD under your tongue, hold it there for around 90 seconds and then swallow. This is supposed to help the CBD absorb into your system quicker.

You can do this multiple times throughout the day. However, it is strongly recommend that you start with one pipette a day, see how your body reacts, before slowly increasing the dosage.

I currently take this product, twice a day, and I am yet to experience any negative side effects.

If anything, I've found this particular method of taking CBD to not only be the easiest, but the quickest, in terms of pain management.

I've found that throughout my duration of taking this particular CBD, I've seen a noticeable, difference in terms of my pain levels. For example, the pain in my arm and leg, has been less of a super intense stabbing pain, and more off a dull ache.

I've also had an experience where one particular day, I was in massive pain with my lower back and decided to take a full pipette of this product. Leaving me shocked to find that once again the pain had eased to a much more bearable level.

Now, look, I'm not going to say that this CBD is a total miracle worker. Frankly, the truth is I will always have some form of pain in my body. What matters to me, is if the product can ease it to a more manageable level. Which it's kind of done for me.

In terms of like, relaxation levels while taking this product, I have found a few times that the CBD does tend to make me a bit sleepy. Which as someone, who doesn't really sleep all that well, I'm kind of chuffed about.

I have also experienced days where I've been feeling a tad more anxious or on edge than usual, and have felt slightly calmer after taking this product. Which is, you know, FRICKIN FANTASTIC!

I have been left super impressed with this CBD. Especially when I remember that it cost under twenty quid.

Honestly in my personal opinion this brand is just wonderful. Not only do their products actually provide some form of a benefit, in terms of my health. But how the actual team treat their customers is absolutely brilliant.

And look, I know that you will probably be in two minds about testing any of these products for yourselves, mainly because your body might react differently, and some people may even find they don't get the relief they were hoping for.

However, if you're wanting my advice, I'd suggest maybe testing out the patches first, as they're the most affordable option, and simply see how your body reacts!

You'll be happy to hear that I will now stop ranting and raving about this company. (I don't know if you can tell... but I'm a fan.)

So, I will love and leave you. And I hope that this review was off some help to you all.

Shawtandsimple Xo


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