Sometimes it can be because of stress or anxieties, health, or even more frustrating, when there is no explanation!!
It can become a seriously frustrating and draining process. Especially for people who have really busy lives, and without a doubt, need that decent nights sleep!
As someone who has experience with some serious insomnia issues throughout the years, I've learned different ways to cope without sleep, but no one really wants to hear any of that, you'd all prefer to just hear about how to get a decent nights sleep! Correct?
So, in this post, I'm going to try and share, just a few short words of advice, that might actually make a difference for some people, as it can sometimes really help me...
1. Set yourself up!!
I personally have found that trying to set yourself up for a decent nights sleep, is without a doubt, one of the most important steps!
So, obviously, it's important to try and create a space for yourself to sleep in, were you feel relaxed and safe. For myself, I'm all about that cosy life!
(Candles can be a really great way to create, dim relaxing lighting!)
Blankets, pillows, electric blanket, hot water bottles, low lighting. Whatever you can afford, and whatever makes you feel the happiest and calmest. Do it!
(Candles can be a really great way to create, dim relaxing lighting!)
Blankets, pillows, electric blanket, hot water bottles, low lighting. Whatever you can afford, and whatever makes you feel the happiest and calmest. Do it!
Once you have a place that you feel is cosy and safe, just for you, why not focus on trying to stay as calm and relaxed as possible.
As someone, who suffers with anxiety, I personally find that trying to relax can be a really difficult thing. But taking small steps, like having a routine that you follow before your bedtime, or just preparing yourself for bed earlier than you need to, can really make all the difference. So why not try to keep things nice and calm. Lock up the house early, have a nice herbal tea and begin to relax your body with a small pamper session. Why not try and have a nice warm bath or shower, because sometimes, the feeling off being clean can be just as relaxing, as the actual heat of the water.
The key of getting yourself prepared for bed, is taking things at your own pace. If you're feeling super overwhelmed, maybe slow things down a bit, and just throw on some comfy clothes, and calm yourself down with a nice cup of tea... It's all about what makes you feel relaxed and at ease.
2. Scents!
Now, this particular "tip" can actually be a bit of a hit or miss. But for me personally, I really find, that a good essential oil, can play a key part in helping me to relax, or sleep better. A personal favourite of mine is lavender oil.
Now there are a whole range of products out there to try and help you sleep at night. Companies like This works have pillow mists, Tisserand have their own roller ball essential oils, Lush have a sleepy body lotion. etc etc...
The problem with some of the previously mentioned products, is that they can actually be quite expensive, and if you're someone who's on a budget. I really doubt that you want to spend your hard earned money, on a £12 or £13 body lotion, that claims to help you sleep, when in reality, it might actually not make any difference. So, for me? I decided to grab myself a Lavender essential Oil from Holland and Barrett when they had it on offer.
The problem with Lavender oil, is that it is a really strong scent. So baring that in mind. I just flick a few drops onto my bed before I climb into it at night, and It's strong enough to create a really beautiful, relaxing scent throughout my entire room. So If you're going to try this particular oil, please go easy with it!
Of course, with it being a strong scent, some people may suffer from a possible headache, especially if your sensitive to smell, but there are so many different essential oils that you can purchase that can help aid relaxation.
Just to name a few: Ylang Ylang oil, Rose oil, Chamomile, Bergamot...
... The list could go on and on...
3. Sleeping Aids
So, I both understand and know very well that the idea of having to take a pill to help aid your sleep, can be a very daunting thought or experience.
And of course, nobody really likes having to take medication. Especially, if it can be a strong pill recommended by a doctor, that can bring with it, it's own risks and could in fact cause even more issues, or side effects.
As a compromise, I myself settled on using a more traditional, herbal alternative.
Now I'm sure plenty of people have heard about all the different brands, or herbal products that can help to aid your sleep, or simply calm some anxieties. Personally, I've found a lot of these brands or products, as per usual, can in fact, cost you a pretty penny!
So, during a particular, bad time in my life, where sleep was just not part of the equation, I found myself wondering around Superdrug. Without giving it much thought (you know lack of sleep.) I found myself dandering around their vitamin section, when I found in amongst all the other brands, Superdrugs very own, herbal, alternative called Quiet Night...
This product, claims to be a traditional, herbal medication, that can be used to help relieve temporary, sleep disturbances.
You recieve a box of 60, small pills, for the grand price of £3.30! Bargain!
The tablets contain ingredients such as Passionflower, Hops and Valerian Root, which is a well known ingredient across the insomniac community. Basically, Valerian is a plant, that provides benefits, that are similar to those of a sedative. Valerian, can help ease stress, calm anxiety and in our case, help aid sleep!!
You simply take two pills with water, roughly an hour or so before bed.
Anytime that I've used or taken this medication, usually when I have severe insomnia, I have found that these tablets have actually helped make a difference. Sometimes, these tablets make me super sleepy and relaxed, other times, I've just felt slightly more calm approaching bedtime.
Although, I will say, I do have quiet extreme circumstances that lead to my lack of sleep. The details of which I will not go into...
But, the fact these tablets make any difference to me at all, is definitely a plus, and I would happily take them on a regular basis. Especially when they have more of natural, traditional nature.
So, it's entirely up to yourself as to whether or not you would be willing to purchase this medicine.
The tablets could make a huge difference to your sleep, or simply help you feel slightly more relaxed. Although, If you're reading a blog post for advice on sleep, I reckon you'd be willing to try anything out, if it meant a good nights rest!
If you are in doubt, and maybe on a budget, please remember that these tablets are only around the £3.00 mark. So, if they aren't that helpful, don't worry, you haven't broke your bank balance testing them out.
ASMR, has recently been popping up everywhere. There is a whole huge community of people who are suffering with a wide variety of mental health issues, sleeping issues, or anxiety disorders, that in desperation, for some piece of mind have came across this.
So, for anyone who doesn't know, ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response.
A quick google search can explain, in a long winded and scientific way...
However, hear on my blog, I like to keep things simple and to the point.
ASMR, is basically, listening to different types of sounds, usually through headphones watching a YouTube video, were people have whole channels dedicated to this type of content.
(The above picture, is actually one of my favourite ASMR channels, so check it out! It's called Whispersred!)
The whole point of the videos, are to basically help you relax.
In response to some of the sounds made in the videos, some people experience a tingly sensation, similar to when you were a child and someone would play with your hair, or draw on your back. That sort of thing...
... Other people like myself, have found that these types of videos can make you feel calm or more relaxed. Which in turn, can help you to sleep better.
And in some cases, which can actually be quite common, is that you don't experience any sort of feeling when you hear ASMR sounds. In fact some people can find it, a bit weird or uncomfortable. Which leads me onto my next point...
The thing with ASMR is that it is a totally, individual thing. So for example, Some of the content, on youtube, will include things like, hair playing videos, tapping sounds, crinkling paper sounds, whispering... etc... etc.
So, these sounds are called triggers. The whole thing with a trigger, is finding the sounds that make you feel the most relaxed and calm.
For me personally, I feel really relaxed when I hear hair brushing sounds, or light tapping noises.
It's a totally personal thing. You could watch an ASMR video and instantly understand everything that I've just explained, and also experience that calming feeling. Or, you could try watching a video, and be totally weirded out and not feel relaxed what so ever.
The point is, that if there is any chance of helping ease anxiety, or to help yourself fall asleep, why not give it a go and see what happens...
Of course, I'm a huge fan of ASMR videos, and have had them help soothe me to sleep, for near enough, two years.
So if you need any recommendations on ASMR channels, definitely ask me!
But, keep an open mind, and try it out, you might actually be pleasantly surprised by the results!
So, here's hoping that you find some of this post, actually helpful...
Happy sleeping!
Thank you so much for all your very helpful advice about getting a good night's sleep. I really like the fact that you have suggested budget items. Absolutely brilliant! I shall definitely follow your advice. Thank you.