Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Depo Provera- My Experience!

Okay, so there isn't really a way to discuss the contraceptive injection without things getting a little too personal or deep.

However, I will start by saying, that there is a common misconception, that things like the pill, the coil and Depo Provera are only for contraceptive purposes. Well, take a seat, because you would be mistaken.

A lot of the time contraception methods are also used to treat or prevent other female health problems. I.E heavy painful periods, POS, Endometriosis etc.

So, to give a little bit of background story. I myself have been using contraception methods to help treat female problems from I was around 14 or 15.

Ever since I hit reproductive age, I had nothing but trouble, especially coming up to and during that lovely time of the month. I mean to the extent of A&E visits, missing days of school and Work, multiple scans, multiple hospital referrals, days stuck in bed screaming with pain, almost missing important exams, on and on the list goes for me...

For me, the first time I ever experienced using contraception to help aid my physical health, was when I was diagnosed with ovarian cysts around the age of 15. I was immediately put onto the combined pill, in order to help treat or prevent more cysts developing.

And much to my surprise, I Found after a few cycles on the pill, it really did help ease my pain during, "THAT TIME" I went from being stuck on the sofa or in bed unable to move, with hot water bottles strapped everywhere to actually being able to function, I could pop two paracetomol and actually make it into work the next day.

So I stayed like this, for years and years. That's not to say I didn't have various issues with different pills, you know the usual stuff that doctors always seem to forget to mention. The migranes, the skin rashes, the mood swings, the hair loss. All of that good stuff. But you see the problem is, that with the pill, it isn't just a straight forward take this and all will be fine. It can take months, years even to find a pill that Is right for how your body works, or what your body needs. So please always remember that.
Another important point is to also always research what your about to take, so go onto forums like netmum and read up on the pill or method of contraception and see how its affected other women. At least that way you have a better idea of what to expect I.E side effects! and that way you can actually make an informed decision on what you want to put into your body!

So, I'm sure your wondering how after being on the pill, and it helping, why did I end up on the Depo shot?  well... how much time do you have? I'm joking! I'll give you the short version...

Basically one night, I took an absolute blinder off a pain in my left ovary... and low and behold... three different hospital trips in a week, multiple referrals, scans, annoying people poking and prodding me.. The gyny people came to the conclusion that I have suspected endometriosis. Now you would think that they just do a simple procedure or give you a certain pill to help... problem is, there isn't an exact cure... and as with everything in life... every single person is different.

So, there I was spending months in agony everyday, and having had to quit my job because of it, I was totally desperate for help. So you can imagine that when my doctor mentioned the fact that this injection has been proven to give some women  relief from pain, I jumped all over it.

So after doing my research and realising I had nothing left to lose, I began a trial basis of 9 months, getting the injection every 12 weeks... and this is where the fun begins..

First of all, Nobody told me that I would be getting this injection into my butt! Like not a single person thought to mention it, until the day I got to the doctors.

The actual administration of the injection, wasn't really that painful (coming from me who used to hate needles!) For me the trouble usually came after, as in I couldn't sit properly. (which did give me and my family a giggle) or trying to walk home from the doctors and crossing the road when a car came, I turned into Quasimodo. But besides the point, the best advice I can give, is to rest after getting your injection. And be prepared wherever you've got it injected into, can hurt for a few days. For me, It took almost a week, before I could sit or walk normal again. ( Again it was pretty hilarious.)

So, once you get over all of that, it's time to wait and see how your body responds to the hormones.

For me, my first injection wasn't so bad. I had no real problems and seeing as I already suffer from prolonged bleeding, there didn't seem to be any issues... until! I had a really bad flare up about a week or two into having gotten the injection. I pretty much took all my usual pills and managed to survive living on the sofa for a week or so. Other than that bad flare up, things actually seemed good!

By the time my second injection came around, I wasn't very hopeful that it would do much.  Once again, I suffered through having a sore booty for the first week. But I actually felt reasonably okay with my pain for the first while on it. However, mentally I was definitely not okay! I began to notice that I seemed to have these awful moods swings throughout the months, but it would get increasingly worse around the time I was due my period or was due another injection. I was short tempered and very easily frustrated. I began to start feeling very anxious for no apparent reason, which I believe helped contribute to myself developing severe OCD tendencies. I always had little rituals or checks that I would have to do, but not really to this extent. I would clean my room multiple times, checking all my belongings over and over, people weren't allowed to walk on my bedroom floor... Well you get the gist, things started to get bad...

My physical health (The Whole reason I went on the Injection) Didn't seem to improve, If anything, I felt as if I had gotten worse. I spent three weeks, In agony, barely unable to move. I lay on the sofa in massive pain, despite being on insanely strong pain killers, I had no signs of my bleeding problems subsiding, no sign of my pain easing up. But once again, this was only my second dose...

Thus began a cycle every single month, where I would spend 2-3 weeks out of each month in extreme unbearable pain, Pain medication was increased, Bleeding continued etc...

This continued on right up until my third and final injection.

By my third injection I knew how things went. But what I didn't expect was a few short weeks after my third and final injection to end up back in hospital with my pain being so unbearable.

And as If my physical health wasn't poor enough, I hit a total brick wall when it came to my mental health too...

Now, the problem here is, that anxiety isn't actually noted as an official side effect of the Depo Provera shot. However, after a lengthy conversation with my doctor, and it being confirmed that the contraceptive pills can also cause panic attacks, It does seem pretty reasonable that an even stronger hormone treatment would cause the same effect.

So, after spending months still in massive pain, and eventually ending up in the state that I was in, having panic attacks almost daily... Myself and A doctor decided that It would be best for me to come off the injection.

I wasn't told anything about what to expect when stopping the Depo Provera shot, but like always, there are side effects!!

I've came to the conclusion that after lots of experimenting with contraception throughout the years, I would like to give my body a break, even just for a little while. I need to break this cycle off pain, I need to give my body a chance to regulate itself...

I'm just past the one week mark of stopping my injection and so far? It's been pretty tough.. but who knows that could be a whole other blog post in itself!

Now I'm sure a lot of people who read this blog post weren't expecting my entire medical record... However, when I first got offered this treatment, I realised there was such a severe lack of blog posts about contraceptive treatments specifically for women with reproductive health issues and so here I am doing my part!

As with everything in life. Everyone is different, Everyone has a different and unique body and it's your decision what you do with it. So always do your research and always talk to your doctor if you have problems, not matter how simple!

Best of luck and take care!

shawtandsimple xo

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