Friday, 2 February 2018

Lush Haul!

So, years ago, when I first started blogging, I suffered with some serious, like, extremely painful eczema. My skin was super sensitive and would become irritated by near enough every single product I would use. This led me on a long and extremely boring journey, where I constantly had to try new products and hope for the best.

Then I found Lush...

I instantly fell in love with a handful of products that seemed to be super soothing and calming on my painful and irritated skin. However, after a long time of using these products, I ended up suffering with weird random allergic reactions, which as a result of,  I  had to stop using my precious Lush products. I soon found the cause of these severe reactions and was quick to stop the root of the problem. (yes, it was the contraceptive pill. Nobody talks about it, but hormones can cause serious skin irritations!)

And here I am! almost two years later, and after a very nerve racking trip into Lush, I have found myself falling back in love with all of the products that I once loved. Some are brand new to me, Some are old favourites, but the best part is that I haven't suffered with a single allergic reaction!

You can imagine How over the moon I am about this, because... LUSH! I mean how can you not love all them beautiful colours and smells! 

Time to Begin The Haul!!

1. 9 to 5 Face Cleanser- £5.25 for 95g